When Sally's father is murdered, she finds herself thrust into the middle of a vast conspiracy that puts her and the young lawyer trying to defend her against a large, powerful corporation hell bent on keeping secret its own dark involvement in the Armenian genocide. As Sally will learn - history is a contact sport - and no one can hide from it.
On the centennial anniversary of the start of WWI, where one and a half million Christian Armenians were systematically killed in a genocide that eventually lead the way for Hitler's Holocaust, an heir to a survivor, fights for the recognition while being hunted by Europe's most powerful bank. In an attempt to force modern America to acknowledge the crime against these people, one man's plot to expose this transgression via the court system will prove to be a monumental task that not only requires the skills of an unproven lawyer, but must rely on documents that have been stolen, hidden, and nearly destroyed over the last one hundred years. In this "inspired by actual events" story, we show that a multigenerational fight is the only way to bring true justice for those that died in the desert at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.