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I was walking tonight

Through the silver fog

To the west gates,

I was walking and listening carefully

To the conversation of the wise birds.


I wanted to understand

(meaningless task),

What are they talking about?

The God-created winged

On a cold autumn night.


I came back silent,

And I understood again

And again,

That the ways of God are unknown.

- Samvel Sevada -




The Master Artist / Poet / Educator



Samvel Sevada, an esteemed Armenian artist, poet, and educator, was born on a serene day in 1949 in the enchanting city of Gyumri, Armenia. His artistic journey began as a child, and over the years, he transformed into a prominent figure in the art world. Founder and owner of Sevada Art Studios, which has operated for more than five decades, he has left an indelible mark on the world of art and literature. Not only has he nurtured and inspired countless young talents, but he has also etched his name among the most celebrated poets with award-winning books that have garnered international recognition and fame.


Early Life and Artistic Passion:


Growing up in the culturally rich city of Gyumri, Samvel Sevada was exposed to art at a tender age. The colors and vibrancy of his surroundings sparked a passion for painting within him. As a teenager, he began experimenting with various art forms, honing his skills and developing a unique style that would later become his trademark. His early works showcased an innate ability to capture emotions and nature's beauty, reflecting the spirit of his homeland.


Establishment of Sevada Art Studios:


In 1971, armed with boundless creativity and a vision to pass on his knowledge to future generations, Samvel Sevada founded the Sevada Art Studios. The studio soon gained a reputation for its excellence in nurturing emerging talents and guiding aspiring artists towards mastering their craft. Under Sevada's mentorship, numerous students achieved great success in the entertainment industry, working for renowned companies like Disney, Nickelodeon, Warner Bros, and other entertainment giants. Sevada's commitment to fostering creativity and pushing the boundaries of art made his studio one of the most prestigious art schools in the world.

The Poet Within:

Beyond his exceptional artistic talents, Samvel Sevada is also a gifted poet. His poetry reflects a deep connection to nature, the human experience, and the transcendent beauty of existence. In his verses, he weaves emotions and imagery with such finesse that his words have touched the hearts of countless readers. Sevada's poetry is characterized by its profound insights, thought-provoking themes, and an ability to resonate with people from diverse backgrounds.

Award-Winning Books and Global Success:

Samvel Sevada's literary accomplishments are equally remarkable. He has authored two award-winning books that have not only earned critical acclaim but have also achieved best-seller status. His writings have been translated into numerous languages and published in countries worldwide, garnering him a global readership. Through his poetic brilliance, Sevada has bridged cultural divides, leaving an enduring legacy that transcends borders.

Legacy and Impact:

Throughout his illustrious career spanning over half a century, Samvel Sevada has contributed significantly to the world of art, literature, and education. His artistic prowess, combined with his passion for teaching, has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless students who have passed through Sevada Art Studios. His poetry continues to inspire and move readers across the globe, captivating hearts with its sheer beauty and depth.



Samvel Sevada's journey from a budding artist in Gyumri to an internationally acclaimed painter, poet, and educator is a testament to his unwavering dedication, talent, and creative vision. His art has become a symbol of Armenia's rich cultural heritage, and his poetic verses have touched the souls of many. As the legacy of Sevada Art Studios lives on through the success of its graduates, Samvel Sevada's contributions to the world of art and literature will forever be celebrated and cherished.

Sevada Art Studio Ltd.

a Samvel Sevada School of Fine Art

Gai Avenue 1/1, Nor Norq 2nd Block

City of Yerevan, Republic of Armenia




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Books On Shelf


Palpitation of a Soul

Longing has no language.

Its footman birds

Break the lines of demarcation, mine and yours.

They gather the tides of our torment,

And aim without hope to make them ebb.

From the flapping of their wings,

Longing overflows within us,

And deprives us of the confidence of our voices.


This morning,

the birds gathered the fragments of our longing

And departed.


Stacked Books







© 2003-2023 Sevada Art Studio Ltd.


















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